Pos : 2. 21 /0030 War nhi nweis e/ V00461 VOR SICHT G ehörsc haden G ehör verlust (XRD-Mill McCrone) @ 9\ mod_1427282126116_9. doc x @ 77170 @ @ 1
Damage to hearing or hearing loss
Vibration nois
The volume and
damage to hearing or hearing loss.
Only start the device
Pos : 2. 22 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/0005 milling/ XRD-Mill McCrone/Modulordner/0010 Technisc he Daten XRD-Mill McCrone/1035 M odul Emmisionen XRD-Mill McCrone @ 9\ mod_1427186073524_9. doc x @ 76456 @ 3 @ 1
Noise levels of the XRD-Mill McCrone
Noise measurement
The noise levels
and the grinding set.
Sound power level
Measurement conditions:
Soundproof hood:
Grinding set: 125ml polypropylene
Grinding material: 10g quar
Speed: speed level four
Measured with hood on
Sound level meter
Pos : 2. 23 /0025 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Sc hut zart @ 0\ mod_1226491839164_9. doc x @ 3328 @ 2 @ 1
3.7 Degree of protection
Pos : 2. 24 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/0005 milling/ XRD-Mill McCrone/Modulordner/0010 Technisc he Daten XRD-Mill McCrone/1040 M odul Sc hutzar t XRD-Mill McCr one @ 9\ mod_1427186074523_9.doc x @ 76469 @ @ 1
Pos : 2. 25 /0025 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Abmess ungen und G ewic ht R et sch @ 0\ mod_1226492212173_9. doc x @ 3352 @ 2 @ 1
3.8 Dimensions and weight
Pos : 2. 26 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/0005 milling/ XRD-Mill McCrone/Modulordner/0010 Technisc he Daten XRD-Mill McCrone/1055 M odul Abmess ungen und Gewic ht XRD-Mill McCrone @ 9\ mod_1427186077643_9. doc x @ 76508 @ @ 1
Height: up to approx.
Weight : XRD
Pos : 2. 27 /0025 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 Erfor derlic he Standfläc he @ 0\ mod_1226492678414_9. doc x @ 3364 @ 2 @ 1
3.9 Required floor space
Pos : 2. 28 /0005 RET SCH/ 0005 R ETSCH Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/0005 milling/ XRD-Mill McCrone/Modulordner/0010 Technisc he Daten XRD-Mill McCrone/1060 M odul St andfl äc he XRD-Mill McCrone @ 9\ mod_1427186078766_9. doc x @ 76521 @ @ 1
Height: 155mm / Width
Depth: 520mm;
A clearance distance
space to operate the main switch.
Pos : 3. 1. 1 / 0010 ELTR A/ 0005 R ETSCH /0005 R ET SCH Bedienungs anl eit ung en Kapit els ammlungen/------- Seit enumbruc h ----------- @ 0\ mod_1222344373758_0. doc x @ 2386 @ @ 1
Damage to hearing or hearing loss
Vibration noise in the grinding chamber
The volume and/or vibrations in the device can cause
damage to hearing or hearing loss.
Only start the device when using the soundproof
Mill McCrone
Noise measurement in accordance with DIN 45635-31-01-KL3
The noise levels are largely influenced by the machine speed, the grinding material
and the grinding set.
Workplace-related emissions value LpAeq = up to 63dB(A)
Sound power level LWA = 78dB(A)
Measurement conditions:
Soundproof hood: yes
Grinding set: 125ml polypropylene
Grinding material: 10g quartz, particle size <0.5mm
speed level four
Measured with hood on
Sound level meter: Brüel & Kjaer 2237 controller
Dimensions and weight
up to approx. 155mm / Width : 205mm / Depth: up to approx
XRD-Mill McCrone net approx. 19kg
Height: 155mm / Width: 250mm /
: 520mm;
A clearance distance of 100mm is necessary at the back to
space to operate the main switch.
Technical data
vibrations in the device can cause
the soundproof
are largely influenced by the machine speed, the grinding material
up to approx. 520mm
of 100mm is necessary at the back to ensure sufficient