Operating the machine
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Preparing the grinding process
Fig. 8: Assembling the grinding jar
Assemble the grinding jar with the help of the applicator.
Slide the applicator (EH) into the grinding jar up to the bottom of the grinding
For each grinding operation, place 6 grinding bodies (MK) each in all 8
Then remove the applicator.
The sample volume during a single grinding process must not exceed 5
millilitres. The ideal grinding efficiency is achieved with a sample volume of
2 millilitres. This corresponds to a weight of 10g for a material with a density
of 5g per millilitre or 2g for a material with a density of 1g per millilitre.
Approx. 4 ml of sample and 7 ml of grinding liquid (water) can be milled.
Screw the lid onto the jar.
Make sure that the lid closes tightly so that no liquid can escape.