Cleaning and service
Pos : 8. 1. 1 / 0025 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1.1 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Übersc hriften BD A/ 11 R üc ksendung f ür Ser vic e und Wartung @ 5\ mod_1360835744314_9. doc x @ 37941 @ @ 1
8.3 Returning for service and maintenance
Pos : 8. 1. 2 / 0005 R ETSCH /0099 R ET SCH St andar d Kapit el/M odule_Standar dkapit elG ener al Modul Rüc kwar enbegleitsc hein @ 5\ mod_1360759327734_9. doc x @ 37911 @ @ 1
Fig. 2: Returned goods dispatch note
RETSCH devices and accessories can only be accepted for repair, maintenance or
calibration if the returned goods despatch note has been correctly completed in full.
When returning a device, attach the returned goods dispatch note to the
outside of the packaging.
In order to eliminate any health risk to our employees, we reserve the right to
refuse acceptance and to return the respective delivery at the expense of the
Pos : 8. 2. 1 / 0010 ELTR A/ 0005 R ETSCH /0005 R ET SCH Bedienungs anl eit ung en Kapit els ammlungen/------- Seit enumbruc h ----------- @ 0\ mod_1222344373758_0. doc x @ 2386 @ @ 1