Owners Manual
Each access port includes input connectors and looping ouput connectors for the audio and RS422
digital control lines. See below.
The audio cable is a conventional twisted pair shielded cable; 24 gauge or larger recommended. The
audio connectors are 3-pin Phoenix connectors. The audio amplifier has a high (10 K Ohm) input
impedance to allow bridging a number of amplifiers across the line and requires a 1 volt audio signal
to drive the amplifier to full output.
The digital control cable requires a minimum of 5 conductors; a twisted pair for Transmit, a twisted
pair for Receive and a ground line. Common practice is to use 3 twisted pair; 26 Gauge or larger.
The input connector for the digital control line is a standard 9-pin DB-9 connector while the looping
output line is a 7-pin Phoenix connector.
The wiring of the 7-pin Phoenix connector and the DB-9 connector is shown below.
7-pin Phoenix
DB-9 Connector
Pin 1 = RX - (Receive)
Pin 1 = RX - (Receive)
Pin 2 = TX + (Transmit)
Pin 2 = TX + (Transmit)
Pin 3 = TX - (Transmit)
Pin 3 = TX - (Transmit)
Pin 4 = Ground
Pin 4 = Not Used
Pin 5 = Not Used
Pin 5 = Ground
Pin 6 = Not Used
Pin 6 = Not Used
Pin 7 = RX + (Receive)
Pin 7 = Not Used
Pin 8 + Not Used
Pin 9 = RX + (Receive)
A Fault Relay is an optional Iconyx feature . The Fault Relay when installed provides an indication (a
dry signal contact) of a failure or malfunction in any one or all of its associated D2 amplifier’s eight
DSP/amplifier channels. The dry contact provides a means of triggering an associated remotely
located fault alarm panel (not provided by Renus-Heinz).
The Fault Relay contacts are rated for an operating voltage of a maximum of 28V DC or AC at a
maximum current of 1 amp. This is considered to be a “dry contact”. The contact is completely isolat-
ed from circuit or chassis ground. Under no circumstances is the contact to be used for 120V AC line
operation, any voltage higher than 28V AC or DC or any application connected either to the hot or
neutral side of the AC line.