Premium Commercial Controls
RenewAire units Are BTL listed by CAREL. They allow the BMS to write to the present value by
default. This means that if the BMS writes to a setpoint that setpoint can be changed by the
local HMI display. (Last one in wins). Priority array is not supported.
Setpoints, in general, are saved in EEPROM memory and maintained on power loss. These are
referred to as RETAINED. For retained values, DO NOT write to these values constantly. Doing
so will flag an alarm and can damage the controller. If you have a need to write to a value
constantly, contact TSS to discuss options.
Older units wrote to the priority array. This was cumbersome to support. They also had limited
mapping. If upgrading from an older version and you want to keep that mapping, change the
setting below to “Pri Array legacy.” The mapping is quite different and is supported in the older
documentation. Also note that priority array setpoints were not kept on power loss.
12.3.1 BACnet IP Connection
Connection of BACnet IP requires a physical cable connection to the RJ45 jack on the controller.
Prior to making the wiring connections, the controller is to be tested to verify proper control of
the unit under local control.
12.3.2 BACnet IP Settings
First, set the IP address of the controller in the same
General Settings
Set DHCP to Off if static.
If Static, set the IP, mask, and gateway if required.
Set Update?
To Yes (power will need to be cycled. This can be done after all of the
other settings.)
NOTE: The controller
will only support
private IP addresses
which start with
192, 172, or 10.