Premium Commercial Controls
SYSTEM MONITORING Determining Tempering Mode
To determine the mode in which the unit is operating, the following values are considered:
Analog Value 48 “HeatLockoutTemp”
Analog Value 47 “CoolLockoutTemp”
In addition, the BMS has the potential to use one more setting to determine whether the unit
will lock out heating or cooling functions. This is required for the dual temp systems and may be
useful for other situations. The Binary Value 60 “BMS_SetHeatCool” must be true and then the
mode is set through Binary Value 61 “BMS_HeatCoolMode” where 0 =Heat and 1 = Cool. The
BMS mode is shown for troubleshooting.
The current Tempering Mode is viewed at Binary Input 13 “Tempering_Mode.Val.” It is also an
output used for VRF applications. The tempering mode will show heating when in heating or
ventilation only mode, and cooling. Heating Control
The heating control type is located at Multistate Input 4 “HTG_ControlType_BN.” The setpoint is
Analog Value 55 “Occ_HTG_SetP.Val” if adjustable setpoint is chosen. Otherwise the setpoint is
based on an outdoor temperature schedule. The type is Multistate Input 6 “Heating_SetPtType_
BN,” where 1 = Adjust and 2 = OA Reset. The acting setpoint is Analog Input 8 “HTG_SetP_
The heating output statuses are the following:
Binary Input 18 “Heating_Enable_1.Val” for stage one or modulating types where the demand
is greater than 0
Binary Input 57 “Heating_Enable_2.Val” for stage two
Analog Input 34 “Heating_Command.Val” shows a percentage for the 0–10V output.
It is also possible for the BMS to take over total control of the 10–0V hot water valve signal out
to the controlled valve and heating output directly for special cases. All setpoints, etc. will be
ignored in this case. To do this, set the heating setting “Valve Control” to BMS on the screen, or
through Binary Value 74 “BMS_HW_Valve_Control.”
Then control the valve through
Analog Value 34 “HeatingCommand_BMS” to set a value for the 0–10V output, where 0 is 0V
and 100 is 10V.
Binary Value 75 “Heating_Enable_1.Val” can also be controlled directly if needed. Cooling Control
The cooling control type is located at Multistate Input 5 “CLG_ControlType_BN.” The setpoint is
Analog Value 56 “Occ_CLG_SetP.Val.”