The CDL Saturation settings range from 0.00000 to 4.00000. The default CDL Saturation setting is 1.00000. The Edit
button opens a keypad where you can enter a specific CDL Saturation value.
Use On Media CDLs to copy CDLs stored on the media and store them on the camera.
CDLs can be imported from media to the camera. When importing CDLs from media to the camera, the CDLs are
saved to a folder on the camera called “cdls”.
From On Media CDLs you can import the selected CDL from the media to the camera or import all of the CDLs from
the media to the camera.
Use In Camera CDLs to copy CDLs stored on the camera and store them on the media. You can also select which
stored CDLs you want the camera to use.
CDLs can be exported from the camera to the media. When exporting CDLs from camera to the media, the CDLs are
saved to a folder on the media called “cdls.”
From In Camera CDLs you can apply the selected CDL to the camera, delete the selected CDL from the camera,
export the selected CDL from the camera to the media, or export all of the CDLs from the camera to the media
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