Use the CDLs menu to import and export CDLs.
CDLs can be stored on the camera or transferred to media to be shared with other cameras. When exporting CDLs
from camera to media, the CDLs are saved to a folder on the media called “cdls”. When importing CDLs from media
to the camera, the CDLs must be stored on the media in a folder called “cdls”.
To export selected CDLs from the camera to the media, refer to the
In Camera CDLs
To import selected CDLs from the media to the camera, refer to the
On Media CDL
A Color Decision List (CDL) is a metadata file format developed by the The American Society of Cinematographers
(ASC) to exchange standard color correction information between post production tools. This non-destructive color
adjustment layer simplifies the versioning of looks by updating simple metadata without the need to re-transfer the
image data.
CDLs are very common in VFX workflows because the VFX artist needs both the ungraded shot and the intended look.
The ungraded shot allows the artist to comp in truly linear light, and the intended look is needed to confirm that the
individual plates still hold together after the grade is applied.
The three CDL tone curve parameters are Slope, Offset and Power. These algorithms allow the camera to modify the
recorded image.
Slope multiplies the incoming data
Offset is sum of the incoming data
Power is a power function to the incoming data
These three relate to Gain, Lift, and Gamma in the following ways:
Slope = Gain
Gain Adjusts highlights.
Offset = Lift
Lift Increases the value of dark colors.
Power = Gamma
Gamma adjusts midtones.
These three relate to each other in the following ways:
Slope= input x slope
Offset= (input x slope) + offset
Power= ((input x slope) + offset) ^ power
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