The Power indicators you can view include:
DC-IN Voltage
When DC is connected, this displays the DC Voltage
DC-IN Amperage
When DC is connected, this displays the DC Amps
BAT-1 Voltage
When a battery is connected in the left #1 slot, this displays the battery Voltage
BAT-1 % Remaining
When a battery is connected in the left #1 slot, this displays the % of battery charge
BAT-1 Time Remaining
When a battery is connected in the left #1 slot, this displays the camera operating time
BAT-1 Amperage
When a battery is connected in the left #1 slot, this displays the battery Amps
BAT-2 Voltage
When a battery is connected in the right #2 slot, this displays the battery Voltage
BAT-2 % Remaining
When a battery is connected in the right #2 slot, this displays the % of battery charge
BAT-2 Time Remaining
When a battery is connected in the right #2 slot, this displays the camera operating time
BAT-2 Amperage
When a battery is connected in the right #2 slot, this displays the battery Amps
Power Out
Enables or disables the 5 Volt power out of the
Extension Port
Use the Indicators menu to enable or disable the tally light (refer to the
Camera Body
section for more information
about the camera LEDs).
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