Security inspection according EN 16005
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Additional requirements for doorsets in escape routes and emergency exits
When an operating mode selector is used, the mode of operation shall be clearly identified and
marked on the operating mode selector.
If a "locked" mode of operation is available, the mode of operation shall be protected, e.g. by an ac-
cess code or a key, so that changes can only be made by authorised personnel.
The system 20 RED with additional control unit BDE-V (night locking device with key-operated
Transparent leaves or leaf surfaces shall be clearly recognizable, e.g. by permanent marking, suitable
labels or by using colored materials.
Affix adhesive strip or mark.
Protective measures such as enclosures, covers, enclosing guards or fixed protection leaves shall be
designed so that:
1. Persons cannot reach any danger point up to a height of 2,5 m above floor level;
2. They can only be removed or opened with the aid of a tool.
This requirement can be met by using the option "lockable casing".
Commissioning and information for use
The operator shall be instructed during commissioning.
Moreover, he shall be provided with a user handbook including instructions for routine maintenance.
The recommended frequency for checking the correct operation of safety function and devices is, at
least, once a year and is to be carried out by professionals.
Furthermore, maintenance operations are required to be recorded in a log book, which is delivered to
the operator.
Inform the operator about the necessity of maintaining and checking the safety function and empha-
sise the advantages of having a maintenance contract.
Deliver a log book, or place it in the drive.