Fig. 28: MODE 2 - Single Water Heater with Indirect DHW on System Loop
Fig. 29: MODE 2
– Master/Slave with Indirect DHW on System Loop
Operation Notes:
Hydronic CFH and burner firing rate is determined by system sensor S3a (master S3).
Indirect DHW CFH is determined by indirect DHW tank sensor S5a (master S5), however burner
firing rate is controlled by system sensor S3a (master S3).
The target temperature is
boosted by 20 ~ 50% during an indirect DHW CFH (depending on Indirect DHW setpoint value) to
facilitate faster heating of the indirect DHW tank. e.g. for an Indirect DHW Setpoint of 65°C the
target temperature will be 88°C, and heating will continue until the indirect DHW tank sensor S5a
detects 65°C at which time the indrect DHW CFH will be satisfied.
The boosted target
temperature (not the Indirect DHW Setpoint parameter value) will be displayed as the Target
temperature in the view menus.