Class 2 (US: class II)
The accessible laser radiation of Class 2 (US: Class II) laser systems does not pose any hazard for the skin.
Diffuse reflections as well as any short-term irradiation of the eyes (exposure time max. 0.25 seconds) also
pose no risk due to the low output power.
However, it is possible to suppress the natural eyelid closure reflex and stare into the class-2 laser beam for
a time long enough for the eyes to get injured.
Class 4 (US: class IV)
Class 4 (US: class IV) high powered lasers (visible or invisible) considered to present potential acute hazard
to the eye and skin for both direct and scatter (diffused) conditions.
Also have potential hazard considerations for fire (ignition) and byproduct emissions from target or process
materials. It is the responsibility of the operator of the machine to take appropriate measurements to
eliminate any dangers such as fire or explosions through the laser beam.
Precautions when dealing with a class 4 (US: class IV) laser machine
Warning Laser
Obligations of the operator for the operation of class 4 lasers (US: class IV):
– Observe official regulations for the business location in accordance with the applicable local
legal regulations (on accident prevention regulations or employee protection), e. g. DGUV
regulation 11 for Germany.
– According to DGUV regulation 11 "Laser radiation", as well as national regulations:
Written appointment of a competent laser safety officer for compliance with the relevant
– Mark the danger zone as such by attaching warning lights and warning signs on the outside.
– Protect the danger zone against unauthorized access.
– Wear appropriate laser safety glasses within the danger zone that are matched to the
wavelength and power of the laser.
– Install an additional and well visible warning light to warn the operator of the presence of
laser radiation.
Compliance with the points above does not absolve the operator from meeting the relevant standards and
guidelines for the operation of a Class 4 laser system.
ENGLISH (Translation)
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