Instructions for Use MPR1 DATALOGGER
RAUMEDIC AG, Hermann-Staudinger-Strasse 2, 95233 Helmbrechts, Germany
Page 53 of 98
The reader has recognised the telemetry catheter
with ID 85730. The measured pressure values are
outside of the measuring range currently.
As soon as the telemetric connection has been
established and the measured pressure values are
within the measuring range, the ICPT value and the
ID of the telemetric catheter are displayed.
For further measurement it is important that the measurement of the ICPT does not take place as
a pressure measurement channel additional to the existing cabled pressure measurement channels, P1,
P2, P3, but rather instead of the catheter connected to P1. At the MPR1 the catheter which was previously
plugged in to the MPR1 has initial priority. Additionally a technical alarm is triggered for P1. The user is
informed of this by a corresponding indication.
Technical alarm
In the figure above, with an existing telemetry connection, a catheter was plugged into socket P1. This
leads to a technical alarm, a flashing ICPT display. The user can find more information about this by
pressing the info key. The behaviour is analogous when the ICP measurement is carried out by means of
a catheter cable-connected to socket P1, and a reader has been connected in addition.