EB200 Manual
4052.2000.02 3.33
This menu is obtained by pressing the CONFIG softkey in the D-SCAN menu.
Each softkey shows the currently active state
Toggle key:
Normal or differential display of the spectrum
In the spectrum the peak values are represented
In the spectrum the current values are represented
RNG 60
4-way toggle key:
Y-scaling (20, 40, 60, 80 dB display range)
|< >| ^
Toggle key:
Parameter selection, start-, stop-, marker frequency or
<-> ->|<- ^
span, center, marker frequency
Configuration of D-SCAN parameters
Measuring time:
DEFAULT / 0.5 msec to 900 sec
MEASURE TIME is valid globally for all measuring functions and can also be set in
some other CONFIG menus. In some cases the name is shortened from lack of
space with MTIME.
Scan speed:
In the position MTIME PER CHANNEL the hardware supported sweep mechanism of the DSCAN is not
used, but a step-by-step incrementing of the frequency as in the F-SCAN. That way it is possible to
carry out the level measurement with a defined measuring time for each channel. This operation mode
is suitable for the measurement of impulsive noises with simultaneous representation of the spectrum
on the display of the EB200.
The digital scan can not be stopped in his procedure. Therefore the generated data can disappear, if
they are not picked up fast enough at the remote control interface. The maximum data quantity at the
remote control interface can be determined indirectly by setting the DSCan speed.
The position NORMAL corresponds to an average speed with which under good preconditions all
resulting data can be passed on through the Ethernet interface by means of TCP to an application. This
is the default setting after the switch-on of the EB200 and corresponds to the DSCan speed
corresponding to the firmware versions up to V01.07.
The position LOW corresponds to a speed, that is for instance around the factor 10 smaller than in the
position NORMAL. The maximum data quantity limit is around 6 Kbyte/s. With this setting it is possible
to transfer all data via the RS232 PPP interface by means of UDP.
The position HIGH corresponds to the maximum speed. The data quantity can amount up to 320
Kbyte/s. The resulting data can be transmitted then only through the Ethernet interface and by means of
UDP to an application.