PPC7A Product Manual
Associated Documents
Due to the complexity of some of the parts used on the PPC7A, it is not possible to include all the
detailed data on all such devices in this manual. The following is a list of the specifications and data
sheets that provide any additional information required:
VME64 Specification ANSI/VITA 1-1994 April 1995. VMEbus International Trade Association AZ
85253 USA.
VME64 Extensions Specification. Not Yet Published. VMEbus International Trade Association AZ
85253 USA.
PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1, June 1 1995.
PCI Special Interest Group OR 98214 USA.
PCI System Design Guide.
IEEE P1386 Draft Standard for a Common Mezzanine Card Family.
IEEE P1386.1 Draft Standard Physical and Environmental Layers for PCI Mezzanine Cards.
IEEE Std 802.3 Local Area Networks: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) - (ETHERNET) (1985)
The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers Inc., NY
10017 USA.
ANSI X3.131-1986 - Small Computer System Interface (SCSI),
American National Standards Institute
NY10036, USA.
ANSI X3.131-1994 : Information Systems - Small Computer Systems Interface-2 (SCSI-2)
National Standards Institute NY10036, USA.
ANSI/EIA/TIA-232-E - Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communications
Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange (December 1991)
Electronic Industries
Association, DC20006 USA.
ANSI/EIA/TIA-422-B, Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Digital Interface Circuits
(December 1978).
Electronic Industries Association, DC20006 USA.
PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments, 1994.
IBM VT 05452-4299 or
Motorola AZ 85036 USA.
The PowerPC Architecture: A Specification for a New Family of RISC Processors, Second Edition.
Morgan Kaufmann publishers Inc. San Francisco, California USA.
PowerPC 745x RISC Microprocessor User’s Manual.
Motorola AZ 85036 USA.
GT64260 System Controller for PowerPC Processors
Galileo Technology, CA 95131 USA.
NCR53C875 PCI-SCSI I/O Processor Data Manual.
NCR Microelectronic Products Division. CO
80916. USA.
M1535 South Bridge with integrated Super IO controller.
Acer Labs, Taiwan.
69000 PCI to VGA device. Asiliant Technologies, CA95112.
Universe II User Manual. Tundra Microsystems ON K2K 2M5 Canada.
FLASH Memory, Volume 1 1995.
Intel corporation IL 60056-7641 USA.
Radstone PPC Boot Firmware Manual, publication number RT5078.
Radstone PMC9100 Manual, publication number RT5062.
Radstone PMC2-9100 Manual, publication number RT30144.
Radstone BIT
on PPCx
, publication number
Radstone PMCPCI Manual, publication number PMCPCI-0HH.
Radstone P0CC1 Manual, publication number P0CC1-0HH.
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