Programming Defaults In Automatic Functions
The Model 2251A features a number of automatic functions, Pulse Width (both negative and
positive), Rise/Fall Time and Phase. The purpose of these functions is to reduce the amount
of code the end user must send to the counter to set up what are really complex
measurements. For each of these automatic functions there are a number of default settings,
some of which can be changed and some of which are not changeable when the automatic
functions are enabled. The default settings are those which the user would have to
individually program if the counter did not offer the automatic settings and should therefore
be expected. Following are the details of the automatic functions.
The Automatic Functions Commands
The letters in all capital refer to the device-dependent commands for the 2251A. the
automatic commands and their device-dependent commands are:
Parameter Set
Positive Pulse Width, defined as the time between the 50% amplitude
point of the rising and falling edges of a waveform. See Figure 5-1.
Negative Pulse Width, defined as the time between the 50%
amplitude point of the falling and rising edges of a waveform. See
Figure 5-1.
Rise Time, defined as the time between the 10% and 90% amplitude
points on the rising edge of a waveform.
See Figure 5-2.
Fall Time, defined as the time between the 90% and 10% amplitude
points on the falling edge of a waveform.
See Figure 5-2.
Phase, calculated as a time interval measurement between the signals
on Channels A and B, scaled by the period on the reference channel
and normalized for degrees.
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