The following commands are toggle functions for the default signal conditioning parameters.
Sending any of these to the 2251A with most of the automatic commands (PW, NW, RT, FT)
enabled will cause the following to occur.
Parameter Set
The 2251A will enable AC coupling on Channel A (and on Channel
B due to Common)
The 2251A will enable the filter on Channel A. This is not
recommended as filtering, and AC coupling will slow down any edges
which the user is typically trying to characterize.
The 2251A will enable manual trigger. The user must take care that
the signal level and amplitude does not change as the 2251A is no
longer tracking the signal.
Writing the Channel A X10 Attenuator command to the 2251A will
cause a syntax error to be generated. This will result in the Status
Byte error bit being set and Error Code number 5 being reported in
the Status Byte. The Service Request Interrupt (SRQ) will not be
generated unless the 2251A has previously been masked by use of the
Q<n> commands to do so.
The 2251A will disable the Common mode and will expect to see a
separate signal on the Channel B input.
The 2251A will ignore this command as the coupling is controlled by
Channel A due to the Common setting.
The 2251A will ignore this command as the trigger control, either
automatic or manual, is controlled by channel A due to the Common
Output Format
Measurement data from the 2251A is always output with a two-character header appropriate
to the function. The header is the same as the command, e.g., PW for Pulse Width. The two-
character header can be disabled by use of the special function 81. The command sequence
to do so is “S81SFE”. The data output format following the two character header is a
polarity sign and a 16-digit number. This number is formatted in engineering notation with
a two-digit signed exponent. Leading zeros fill up the empty spaces. When the header is
disabled, the first two characters are replaced with spaces.
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