Distributor of Digi International: Excellent Integrated System Limited
Datasheet of 101-1274 - KIT DEV STANDARD RCM5700
Contact us: [email protected] Website: www.integrated-circuit.com
MiniCore RCM5700/RCM6700 User’s Manual
Bits per second:
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
As long as you have not modified the
macro in the sample program, enter the
following server address in your Web browser to bring up the Web page served by the sample
Otherwise use the TCP/IP settings you entered in the
Now compile and run the sample program. With the Hyperterminal client active (click on the
Hyperterminal window appearing on your PC desktop), anything you type on your keyboard
will be echoed back by the Rabbit and will appear in the Web browser. Note that you will not
see what you are typing in the active window unless you have enabled the local echo.
This sample program uses the RabbitWeb HTTP enhancements to configure a simple Ethernet-
to-serial converter. The sample program only supports listening TCP sockets, meaning that
Ethernet-to-serial devices can only be started by another device initiating the network connec-
tion to the Rabbit.
Each serial port can be associated with a specific TCP port. The Rabbit will listen on each of
these TCP ports for a connection, which will then be associated with a specific serial port. Data
will then be shuttled between the serial and Ethernet connections.
F.7 Where Do I Go From Here?
If you purchased your MiniCore through a distributor or through a Rabbit partner, contact
the distributor or partner first for technical support.
If there are any problems at this point:
Use the Dynamic C
menu to get further assistance with Dynamic C.
Check the Rabbit Technical Bulletin Board and forums at
Use the Technical Support e-mail form at
If the sample programs ran fine, you are now ready to go on.
Additional sample programs from the
folder are described in the
Dynamic C
TCP/IP User’s Manual.
Please refer to the
Dynamic C TCP/IP User’s Manual
to develop your own applications.
An Intro-
duction to TCP/IP
provides background information on TCP/IP, and is available on the CD and on
Web site
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