Rev. 05/2005
P - 61
b) Adjustment procedure :
To improve the energy distribution of the Yag beam at the objective
output :
Conditions to do this adjustment :
- Slit focalized,
- Aiming beam focalized,
- Yag beam focalized on aiming beam when you pulse with a 0 focus,
- Yag impact not correct.
First adjustment :
If the Yag impact is not circular when you open teflon or the laser does not
create a “spark” at the focus plane, that is to say the Yag beam is not
centred in the lens and mirrors, you must move the direction of the Yag
beam : you can touch the M1 mirror.
Cautions :
When you adjust the M1 mirror, you risk to destroy the energymeter
board with the allen key, you risk to do a short-circuit.
Note :
When you adjust the M1 mirror, you change the direction of the
Yag beam, at the end of the adjustment, you must check the Yag
beam is superimposed on the aiming beam.
If it is not the case, you must adjust the aiming beam (see previous
Important :
Mirror M1 changes the direction of the Yag beam.
After touching the M1 mirror, following the different focus position
(focus 0, focus 1 and focus 2) :
- Check the energy (with an energymeter),
(You must have a spark at the focus plane (between 3 and 5mJ)),
- Check the impact on a thermosensitive sheet.