Select Latch + Swap and then press the "Swap - This Keyboard / All Like Keyboards" key. You
will find that this key now has three possibilities - "ALL", "thIS" and the new one "SP.3" with no LEDs on. "SP.3"
means Swap 3. Swap 3 turns any of the 18 way keyboards into three 6 way keyboards - swapping between 1-6, 7-12
and 13-18. This makes more efficient use of the Scenes, Environments etc. and gives you power and versatility.
Practical Examples:
For Scan use, this could give you 6 Colour looks + 6 Gobo looks + 6 Iris/Frost/Prism looks all immediately
accessible on the same 18 way keyboard.
The Out Station on the Remote Control socket can now access nine 6 way swapping keyboards and MIDI can
access 18 of them.
Gives the Masterpiece the power of a top of the range Theatre or Scan
Lighting Board. It allows you to move from any Cue to any other Cue with a perfect Dipless Crossfade. Your "Cue"
can be a Scene, Scene Chase, Environment or Environment Chase. See the attached "Out-Times Flowchart" on
page 9 for a diagrammatic explanation.
Global control of matched In and OutTimes
may be taken by engaging just the InTime Slider in Copy Mode -
sufficient for many purposes.
With the time sliders released,
the times stored in the Scenes and Scene Chases take over.
In Copy Mode the
InTime of the new Scene/Scene Chase provides the OutTime for the outgoing one.
This may be anything
from a zero time snap to a 360 second fade. The location of the InTime captured to become the OutTime follows this
priority sequence: the outgoing key's Swap3 keyboard or 18 way keyboard, the last key pressed in All Like
Keyboards, its own stored OutTime.
Practical Examples:
For Theatre use. Proceed from Scene to Scene using Swap, Swap 3 or Latch and the fades will always be
dipless no matter where you are coming from or going to.
For Scan use. Environments may contain such components as: Colours from a colour keyboard, Gobos from a
Gobo Keyboard, Positions or Position Chases from their keyboards. AND NOW THE POWER - when you swap
from Environment to Environment, all their components will crossfade or snap individually and diplessly using the
InTimes associated with the incoming Environment's components.
To toggle between Copy In to Out Mode and Individual Mode:
WHILE pressing the COPY key, move either the
In or OutTime slider. The display shows "COPy In tO OUt" or, if Copy Mode has been disengaged, "the time in
seconds". While the In or OutTime sliders are moved in Copy Mode the Copy key LED lights.
Over The Top for your job?
No worries - the beauty of Masterpiece is that although we are progressively giving it
more and more power so that you can use the same controller for any application, you only have to use the parts you
want. For example, if you don't need fade times, simply engage the In and OutTime sliders to zero (LEDs blinking)
and then use SUAL to lock them away. The fade times will now be inactive and we have now made the LEDs blink
only faintly when disabled at zero so as not to be offensive.
is ideal for Theatrical or Live use. Each of the 18 Keyboards can have its Keyboard Action
selected to "A-B Crossfade Mode" individually. The A and B sliders can then be used to fade smoothly between
Scenes, Scene Chases, Environments and Environment Chases or even combinations of them. Keyboard keys may
be pressed to connect them to the A or B slider or disconnected by pressing them again - the word "FREE" is
displayed. A key which is OFF and is to be faded in will connect to whichever of A or B is at zero. A key which is
ON and is to be faded out will connect to whichever of A or B is at FULL. Should the sliders not be at an end you will
see the error message "A-b Not At 0.0" or "A-b Not At 100.0". The LEDs of incoming keys shimmer green, while the
LEDs of outgoing keys shimmer red, corresponding to the A and B LEDs to which they are connected. The Scene
and Scene Chase fade times still operate in A-B mode - slowest takes priority.
Paul F. Mardon, Technical Director, 28-10-98
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