SAVE OUTPUT TO SCENE saves the Levels of the 108 Output Channels onto a Scene pad. WYSIWYG - What
You See Is What You Get - what you see on the output is what you save as a Scene. There are 12 Scene
Keyboards (see KEYBOARD SELECT on page 5.4), Scene Keyboard 1 + Keyboard Pads 1-18 stores Scenes 1-
18, Scene Keyboard 2 stores Scenes 19-36 etc., making a total of 216 scenes. However, we find it more useful
to think in terms of Scene Ke Pad number - as shown in the 4 Digit Display - e.g. "S1-1", "S3-7", "S9.12"
etc. and this is the format we have used for the program record sheets we have provided at the back of this folder.
It is very important that you fill in these sheets as you go - it is difficult to remember what is saved on each pad a
few days later.
Creating Scenes from scratch
1. Put all Channel Levels to zero by:
a. Putting all 18 Keyboards into FLASH mode.
b. Releasing all sliders (see the RELEASE section on page 5.3).
c. Checking that this has allowed all the Output Channel Levels to fall to zero by scanning across the 6 Output
Select pages and watching the Output Monitor LEDs.
2. Use the 18 Sliders in Channel Level mode and the 6 Output Select pads, to set the 108 Output Channels to
the levels you require for your Scene.
3. Press the Save Output To Scene pad.
4. Select one of the 12 Scene Keyboards (if different from the current one).
5. Select one of the 18 Keyboard pads of your chosen Keyboard to save your Scene to.
Now you can
Develop more Scene(s) from your first by altering some of the Channel Levels and then repeating steps 3 - 5
And finally
Put all the sliders down to zero (for good house keeping) and then RELEASE them from having overriding control
of the Channel Levels so that when you press the pad(s) you can see and use your Scene(s). Now write the
details of the Scene on the Program Record Sheets provided at the back.
Modifying scenes / Developing new scenes from existing ones
1. Switch on the Scene to be modified on its own, at full (all sliders released, nothing switched on, on any
Keyboard, except the required Scene on the required Scene Keyboard, Grand Master to full).
2. Use the 18 Sliders in Channel Level mode to modify the Scene.
3. EITHER save the modified Scene back to the same Keyboard pad OR to another pad if the new Scene is a
development from the first.
4. Put all the 18 Sliders down to zero and RELEASE them.
Delete one scene - 2 methods:
1. Put Grand Master to 0 then Save Output To Scene to the Scene to be deleted.
2. Put all 18 Keyboards into FLASH mode. RELEASE all sliders. Check that this has allowed all the Output
Channel Levels to fall to zero by scanning across the 6 Output Select pages and watching the Output Monitor
LEDs. Save Output To Scene to the Scene to be deleted.
Delete many/all scenes
1. Start as 1. or 2. above to ensure all Output Channel Levels are 0,
2. Keep finger on S.O.T.S. pad to keep its LED on,
3. Select Scene Keyboard No1,
4. Wipe finger across Keyboard pads 1-18,
5. Select next Scene Keyboard,
6. Repeat 4 - 6 for the 12 Scene Keyboards,
7. Remove finger from S.O.T.S.,
8. Press S.O.T.S once more to switch it off.
Page 5.5 - for Pulsar Masterpiece software version No.1.0, December 1990.