BLINKING - A LED which briefly flashes to FULL or ZERO brightness once every 2 seconds to attract your
attention, as a prompt requesting a key press or as a warning or to show that its slider is engaged.
CARD - A credit card sized device which fits into a slot in the front panel, for saving/exchanging/loading the
contents of the Masterpiece’s memory for backup, changing shows and transfer between Masterpieces.
CHANNEL - 1 of the 108 outputs from the Masterpiece which could control a spotlight, motor, strobe, another
controller, intelligent spotlight ch.,etc.
CHANNEL LEVEL - The level of an output channel. The resolution is 8 binary bits so there are 256 possible
levels between 0 and 100%.
DMX512 - A serial data transmission system for sending the channels levels of up to 512 channels.
ENGAGED - When a slider is actually "linked" or "connected" to a level it can control. E.G. the first of the 18
sliders may be engaged to have overriding control of the Level of Channel 1.
ENVIRONMENT - A combination of a number of Channel Levels, Scenes at various levels and Scene Chases at
various levels, saved onto one Keyboard pad of an Environment Keyboard for recall whenever required.
ENVIRONMENT CHASE - A chase sequence whose steps are Environments - a complete lighting performance
on one button.
KEY - See PAD.
KEYBOARD - the bottom row of 18 pads.
KEYBOARD MASTER - One of the 18 Sliders being used in this mode can take overriding control of a Keyboard
pad to allow a 0-100% level rather than the on/off action of the pad.
LED - Light Emitting Diode.
PAD - Metal TOUCH sensitive PAD on front panel for use as a fast switch.
PAGE - or Block or Window, which allows you to see 18 of the 108 channels.
RAM CARD - See Card.
RELEASE - disengage a slider(s) so that it no longer has overriding control of a Channel Level or Keyboard
Master Level.
RS232 - A serial data transmission system. See appendices for full spec.
VIEW - VIEW the level of a Channel, Keyboard Master or other slider by putting its value into the 4 digit display.
SCENE - a snap shot, recorded in memory, of the levels of the 108 channels.
SCENE CHASE - a means of stepping automatically through selected scenes.
SLAVE - another Masterpiece which controls an extra 108 channels under the direction of a master Masterpiece.
TOUCH PAD - Metal TOUCH sensitive PAD on front panel used as a fast switch.
MASTER - a slider which controls the levels of many channels simultaneously.
MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface - a serial data transmission system.
Page 2 - for Pulsar Masterpiece software version No.1.0, December 1990.