A MIDI "IN" DIN socket, a MIDI "THRU" DIN socket and a MIDI Channel select DIL switch are provided on the back
panel. Functional from software version "MASTERPIECE MAIN No.1.6" together with "DMX/MIDI V1.2" EPROM,
this socket, in effect, allows you to press a number of front panel keys remotely from a MIDI keyboard or sequencer.
Thus you can do anything from putting on a single lighting channel to triggering a complete lightshow via MIDI.
From software version "MASTERPIECE MAIN No.1.8", access is also available to Scene Keyboards S10 and S11
and Scene Chase Keyboard C3.
Note No. Function
C 0 S10. -1
C# 1 S10. -2
D 2 S10. -3
D# 3 S10. -4
E 4 S10. -5
F 5 S10. -6
F# 6 S10. -7
G 7 S10. -8
G# 8 S10. -9
A 9 S10.10
A# 10 S10.11
B 11
C 12 S10.13
C# 13 S10.14
D 14 S10.15
D# 15 S10.16
E 16 S10.17
F 17 S10.18
F# 18 S11. -1
G 19 S11. -2
G# 20 S11. -3
A 21 S11. -4
A# 22 S11. -5
B 23 S11. -6
C 24 S11. -7
C# 25 S11. -8
D 26 S11. -9
D# 27 S11.10
E 28 S11.11
F 29 S11.12
F# 30 S11.13
G 31 S11.14
G# 32 S11.15
A 33 S11.16
A# 34 S11.17
B 35 S11.18
E.G. E.2.-7 = Environment Keyboard No.2, Keyboard Key No.7.
The Keyboards driven by the MIDI signal may be in Flash, Swap or Solo, but Latch, which toggles with each press,
should be used with caution as it is possible to lose track of whether a key is off or on.
The MIDI transmission system sends:
1) A Status Byte containing information such as MIDI Channel Number, Note On or Off etc.
2) The number of the note 0-127 - see table above, middle C is usually Note Number 60.
3) The Velocity at which the key was struck 0-127. Velocity >= 64 is taken as ON and < 64 as OFF.
A Note Off Status Byte also turns the lights off.
MIDI Channel selector switch on the back panel - the MIDI Channel selected is the SUM of the switches selected eg.
to select Channel 5 put up switches 1+4, to select Channel 15 put up switches 1+2+4+8. Note - Channel 16 is
selected by putting all the switches down (off).
Two other switches are provided marked Velocity and Omni or use Note Off information but these been found to be
unnecessary and therefore have no effect.
CAMBRIDGE, CB1 3EA, UK. TEL: (01223) 366798, FAX: (01223) 460708. P.F.M. 03-09-99
Note No. Function
C 36 E1. -1
C# 37 E1. -2
D 38 E1. -3
D# 39 E1. -4
E 40 E1. -5
F 41 E1. -6
F# 42 E1. -7
G 43 E1. -8
G# 44 E1. -9
A 45 E1.10
A# 46 E1.11
B 47 E1.12
C 48 E1.13
C# 49 E1.14
D 50 E1.15
D# 51 E1.16
E 52 E1.17
F 53 E1.18
F# 54 E2. -1
G 55 E2. -2
G# 56 E2. -3
A 57 E2. -4
A# 58 E2. -5
B 59 E2. -6
Middle C 60 E2. -7
C# 61 E2. -8
D 62 E2. -9
D# 63 E2.10
E 64 E2.11
F 65 E2.12
F# 66 E2.13
G 67 E2.14
G# 68 E2.15
A 69 E2.16
A# 70 E2.17
B 71 E2.18
Note No. Function
C 72 EC. -1
C# 73 EC. -2
D 74 EC. -3
D# 75 EC. -4
E 76 EC. -5
F 77 EC. -6
F# 78 E3. -7
G 79 E3. -8
G# 80 E3. -9
A 81 E3.10
A# 82 E3.11
B 83 E3.12
C 84 E3.13
C# 85 E3.14
D 86 E3.15
D# 87 E3.16
E 88 E3.17
F 89 E3.18
F# 90 Fwd Man Step
G 91 Rev Man Step
G# 92
A 93
A# 94
B 95
C 96 Swap Card-Mem.
C# 97 Card to Mem.
D 98 Remote Blackout
(From N.1.81)
Swap Card-Mem and
Card to Mem are
not available in
MP216 or RU216.
Note No. Function
D# 99 C3. -1
E 100 C3. -2
F 101 C3. -3
F# 102 C3. -4
G 103 C3. -5
G# 104 C3. -6
A 105 C3. -7
A# 106 C3. -8
B 107 C3. -9
C 108 C3.10
C# 109 C3.11
D 110 C3.12
D# 111
E 112 C3.14
F 113 C3.15
F# 114 C3.16
G 115 C3.17
G# 116 C3.18
A 117 Sho.1
A# 118 Sho.2
B 119 Sho.3
C 120 Sho.4
C# 121 Sho.5
D 122 Sho.6
D# 123 Sho.7
E 124 Sho.8
F 125
F# 126
G 127 All Off
(From N.1.82)
Sho.1 - Sho.8 are
Show Change for
MP216 & RU216 only.