Selective Memory Transfer:
After pressing Memory-to-Card, Card-to-Memory or both for Swap Memory and Card,
all the 18 Keyboard Select LEDs light up, allowing you to turn off any Keyboard you don't want to transfer. Do this
only if required and then enter the Security Code as usual. This allows the expert programmer to pick and mix parts
of various shows together to create a new one - eg. using the Scenes from one show with the Chases and
Environments of another.
The MIDI socket is now fully operational
- BUT only if the DMX/MIDI EPROM in the Masterpiece is ALSO
upgraded to "DMX/MIDI V1.3". A MIDI signal selects the Masterpiece's Environments and Environment Chases - see
Appendix Three for full details.
"Use Scene Fade Times"
key, previously not in use, now has the following effect:
LED on - Fade in
the chase at switch on,
LED off - Step in
the chase with the first Scene/Environment at full -
sometimes needed for control of intelligent lighting.
Switching Sound-to-Light (S2L) on Zone 3.
Useful for a dramatic effect or for producing a better result from
devices with significant response times such as PAR64 lamps, Pin Spots or Golden Scan stoppers. Zones 1 and 2
continue to have modulated S2L with the full range of dimming.
Treble & Bass Burst
are now available for Scene Chases, providing a whole range of super effects. With the SPEED
control high, a burst of steps is produced for the duration of the beat. With the SPEED control low, a single step is
produced on the beat. The SLOPE control gives two options. With the SLOPE control >50%, the chase STEPS
from one step to the next. With the SLOPE control <50% the chase FADES from one step to the next - giving some
lovely effects at low SPEED settings - partial fades towards the next step during the beat followed by frozen
movement between beats.
Bass Bounce ("bASS")
replaces Bounce/2 ("RRFF") for Treble Burst, Bass Burst and Auto scene chases providing
more super effects. Manual and all Environment Chases retain Bounce/2.
All Off
- Release S Slider Action does "Release All sliders" but now if both keys are kept pressed for 3
seconds, all Scene, Chase and Environment keys are also turned off.
Two Security Codes
- only the new "Programmer's Code" will now allow entry to Set User Access Levels. The
existing "Operator's Code" (12, 6, 7, 1) now only allows Card / Memory transfer.
The Forward & Reverse
Manual Step keys show the Step Number,
at finger off, of the Chase to which the Chase
Controls are engaged. This facility works in Treble, Bass and Auto as well as Manual.
The Masterpiece Screen Driver unit
will be available from Q2 1992. This will be an optional add on unit to the
Masterpiece. Amongst other facilities, it provides:
On screen help in many languages by holding down a key for more than 0.5 seconds,
A User Text Area for each Output Select Page and Keyboard where you will be able to enter details of your
Channel Assignments, Scenes, Chases, Environments, etc. in full colour, using the Masterpiece keys for text
A Bar Graph display of the levels of the Output Channels.
Version No.1.7 of the Masterpiece software transmits all the key press and ASCII text information ready for the
Screen Driver unit. This is mixed in with the existing PMX (Pulsar MultipleX) data stream from the Masterpiece.
Paul F. Mardon, Technical Director, 28-10-98
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