A three pin XLR plug and socket are provided on the back panel for RS232 "IN" and "THRU". This input allows you
to press a number of front panel keys remotely from a computer serial port or other source of RS232. Thus you can
do anything from putting on a single lighting channel to triggering a complete lightshow remotely. The system is
implemented from software version N.1.82. It is similar to Remote Control by MIDI - see Appendix Three.
Press No. Function
0 00H S10. -1
1 01H S10. -2
2 02H S10. -3
3 03H S10. -4
4 04H S10. -5
5 05H S10. -6
6 06H S10. -7
7 07H S10. -8
8 08H S10. -9
9 09H S10.10
10 0AH S10.11
0BH S10.12
12 0CH S10.13
13 0DH S10.14
14 0EH S10.15
15 0FH S10.16
16 10H S10.17
17 11H S10.18
18 12H S11. -1
19 13H S11. -2
20 14H S11. -3
21 15H S11. -4
22 16H S11. -5
23 17H S11. -6
24 18H S11. -7
25 19H S11. -8
26 1AH S11. -9
27 1BH S11.10
28 1CH S11.11
29 1DH S11.12
30 1EH S11.13
31 1FH S11.14
32 20H S11.15
33 21H S11.16
34 22H S11.17
35 23H S11.18
E.G. E.2.-7 = Environment Keyboard No.2, Keyboard Key No.7.
The Keyboards driven by the RS232 signal may be in Flash, Swap or Solo, but Latch, which toggles with each press,
should be used with caution as it is possible to lose track of whether a key is off or on.
SERIAL FORMAT - 9600 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
HANDSHAKING - not required - so RTS (Pin 4 on a 25 pin ‘D’ connector) and CTS (Pin 5) need to be cross linked at
the computer to allow it to transmit.
DATA STRUCTURE - Three bytes are required per key Press/Unpress:
1) A Header Byte with the value 252 (FCH) to show that key press information follows,
2) A Press Number byte with a value 0-127 (00-7FH) to select a key - see table above,
3) And finally a data byte, which, with a value in the range 64-127 (40-7FH) = Key Pressed, or with a value in the
range 0-63 (00-3FH) = Key Unpressed. A Keyboard in Latch mode toggles for each Press, Unpress information
having no effect. A Keyboard in Flash mode is turned On by a Press and Off by an Unpress.
CAMBRIDGE, CB1 3EA, UK. TEL: (01223) 366798, FAX: (01223) 460708. P.F.M. 03-09-99
Press No. Function
36 24H E1. -1
37 25H E1. -2
38 26H E1. -3
39 27H E1. -4
40 28H E1. -5
41 29H E1. -6
42 2AH E1. -7
43 2BH E1. -8
44 2CH E1. -9
45 2DH E1.10
46 2EH E1.11
47 2FH E1.12
48 30H E1.13
49 31H E1.14
50 32H E1.15
51 33H E1.16
52 34H E1.17
53 35H E1.18
54 36H E2. -1
55 37H E2. -2
56 38H E2. -3
57 39H E2. -4
58 3AH E2. -5
59 3BH E2. -6
60 3CH E2. -7
61 3DH E2. -8
62 3EH E2. -9
63 3FH E2.10
64 40H E2.11
65 41H E2.12
66 42H E2.13
67 43H E2.14
68 44H E2.15
69 45H E2.16
70 46H E2.17
71 47H E2.18
Press No. Function
72 48H EC. -1
73 49H EC. -2
74 4AH EC. -3
75 4BH EC. -4
76 4CH EC. -5
77 4DH EC. -6
78 4EH E3. -7
79 4FH E3. -8
80 50H E3. -9
81 51H E3.10
82 52H E3.11
83 53H E3.12
84 54H E3.13
85 55H E3.14
86 56H E3.15
87 57H E3.16
88 58H E3.17
89 59H E3.18
90 5AH Fwd Man Step
91 5BH Rev Man Step
92 5CH
93 5DH
94 5EH
95 5FH
96 60H Swap Card-Mem
97 61H Card to Mem
98 62H Remote Blackout
Swap Card-Mem and
Card to Mem are
not available in
MP216 or RU216.
Press No. Function
99 63H C3. -1
100 64H C3. -2
101 65H C3. -3
102 66H C3. -4
103 67H C3. -5
104 68H C3. -6
105 69H C3. -7
106 6AH C3. -8
107 6BH C3. -9
108 6CH C3.10
109 6DH C3.11
110 6EH C3.12
6FH C3.13
112 70H C3.14
113 71H C3.15
114 72H C3.16
115 73H C3.17
116 74H C3.18
117 75H Sho.1
118 76H Sho.2
119 77H Sho.3
120 78H Sho.4
121 79H Sho.5
122 7AH Sho.6
123 7BH Sho.7
124 7CH Sho.8
125 7DH
126 7EH
127 7FH All Off
Sho.1 - Sho.8 are
Show Change for
MP216 & RU216 only.