Output Channels
The MP216 has 216 'PMX' Output Channels. Press the O1-O6 / O7-O12 key to switch the six Output Select keys
between O1-O6 for channels 1-108 and O7-O12 for channels 109-216.
Patching System
The 216 PMX Output Channels are patchable to 512 DMX Slots (twice the capacity of the MP108).
Eight Shows
Memory capacity is provided internally for 8 separate shows.
At switch on the software version is displayed e.g. "No.2.2" followed by the number of the current show e.g. "Sho.1".
To see the number of the current show at any time, simply press the Show Select key on it's own.
To change show: WHILE pressing the Show Select key press a keyboard key 1-8. When you release the Show
Select key, the Masterpiece will switch to the new show.
Each of the eight shows may be selected remotely by MIDI and RS232 (PMX) - see Appendices Two and Three.
Memory Cards
Each MP216 show needs 64K of memory (32K for a MP108). So a 64K card can store one show, 128K two shows,
256K four shows, 512K eight shows.
Memory to Card / Copy Current Show to Another Show
Any of the internal shows (Sho.1 - Sho.8) may be copied to any position in the card (Sho.9 - Sh.16). The source
show is the current one. When you press the Memory to Card key the MP216 tries to select the most likely
destination show, however you can change this by pressing the Show Select key plus a Keyboard key. The
destination show can even be another internal show - this provides the Copy Show to Show function. As usual the
Keyboard Select keys may be used to select which parts of the memory are transferred. The display indicates the
source and destination shows, when you are happy with these, enter the code.
Card to Memory / Overwrite the Current Show with Another Show
When you press the Card to Memory key the MP216 tries to select the most likely source show to overwrite the
current show, however you can change this by pressing the Show Select key plus a Keyboard key. The source show
may be changed to any show stored in the card (Sho.9 - Sh.16) or any internal show (Sho.1 - Sho.8) - this provides
the Overwrite Current Show with Another Show function. The rest as above ...
Swap Memory and Card / Swap Current Show with Another Show
Both of the above together.
Masterpiece 108 shows
The MP216 can read MP108 cards and play them back correctly. It can also write MP108 cards but obviously only
the first 108 channels are functional. A MP108 can read MP216 cards and play back the first 108 channels.
Future plans
A Chase Generator for the rapid creation of complex chases and effects, and the efficient use of Scenes is planned for
the next free software upgrade.
Masterpiece 216
Paul F. Mardon, Technical Director, 28-09-99
File: MPN.Sam
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