NEW IN SOFTWARE VERSION "MASTERPIECE 108 MAIN No.2.0" - 15-07-94 - continued
A maximum of 38 keys may be attached to the Incoming slider and 38 keys to the Outgoing slider - which
should be enough! The display shows "FULL" if more than this number is attempted.
Copy A to B
allows you to have individual A and B sliders to achieve "Split Fades" or to use the A slider alone for a
perfect dipless crossfade.
To toggle between Copy A to B Mode and Individual Mode:
WHILE pressing the COPY key, move either the A
or B slider. The display shows "COPy A tO b" or, if Copy Mode has been disengaged, the A and B sliders'
percentages. While the A or B sliders are moved in Copy Mode, the Copy key LED lights.
Grand Master for Generic Lighting.
Lighting designers sometimes want to dim the level of the generic lights
without affecting the intelligent lights. In other words they need a selective Grand Master. This can now be achieved
by attaching the required generic Scenes / Chases / Environments to the A or B Master.
Key S12.18 is not a normal scene but switches the action of the JoyStick between Position
(LED off) and Velocity (LED on). The velocity software has been carefully written to profile the behaviour of the
JoyStick from very slow, gentle movement near the centre for follow spot use, to very fast movement at the
extremities. When you let go of the JoyStick, it returns to the centre and the movement stops where it is. There is a
central dead band from 48 to 52 - Left and Down movement is from 47 and below while Right and Up movement is
from 53 and above.
Attaching a single projector to the JoyStick.
Move its Pan slider upwards to see which way the light beam moves
relative to the orientation of your JoyStick. Now save its Pan at 100%, on its own, to the Left/Right/Up/Down Scene
corresponding to the direction in which it moved. Do the same for the Tilt. Switch on just these two Joy Scenes and
select Position or Velocity to connect the JoyStick to the projector's mirror.
Follow Spot Control.
You may wish to limit the movement of the light beam to just the stage area. Proceed as
above but set up four Scenes containing the Left and Right limits for Pan/Tilt and the Up and Down limits for Tilt/Pan.
Switch on all four Joy Scenes and select Velocity.
Joy Centre:
With the Joy Centre Scene turned off, the Joy Left Scene, for example, is scaled from 100% with the
JoyStick fully left to 0% with the JoyStick fully right. With the Joy Centre Scene switched on, the maths changes.
The Joy Left Scene now scales from 100% (Left) to 0% with the JoyStick in the Centre (or beyond), while the contents
of the Joy Centre Scene are scaled from 0% (Left) to 100% in the centre. The same concept applies to the Right, Up
and Down Scenes. Interesting new effects are possible - particularly to those who feel like experimenting to see what
this new dimension can offer! One suggestion for Position mode is to make the Joy Centre scene the required
position when you let go of the JoyStick.
ENHANCEMENT to the VIEW system.
While holding an
Output Select key
pressed, pressing a
Keyboard key
displays the
Channel Number
(C. 1 - C.108) followed by the
Channel's Level
at finger off. NEW FEATURE - the
channel level continues to display until you press another key. This allows you to follow the progress of a chase or
The Dipless Crossfade maths has been rewritten so that a channel level, which is the same in the incoming and
outgoing scenes, remains completely constant during the fade. This applies to crossfading chases as well as
timed fades.
If a Keyboard Master is controlling the level of a key, that key may be flashed to full - but no longer in VIEW or a
Program Mode.
Paul F. Mardon, Technical Director, 28-10-98
File: MPN.Sam
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