PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
6.3.3 [23_] – Startup
These parameters configure the indicator settings at power on (startup). [231 TARING] – Tare mode
NO = Disabled
MULTI = Multiple taring enabled. Re-Tare while in Net mode.
GROS = Taring only in Gross mode
PT = Preset tare and tare with key or via serial interface.
PT-G = Preset tare and tare in Gross mode.
PT and PT-G not available on the PT610. [232 AUTOT] – Auto Tare
NO = Disabled
YES = Auto tare, if the gross load is bigger than MIN TARE and stable. [233 AUTO CLR] – Auto Tare Clear
NO = Disabled
YES = Tare value is cleared automatically after unloading
This implies a change back to Gross mode. [234 PWR TARE] – Save Tare
NO = Disabled
YES = Tare value is saved at power off and restored at power on.
This is useful with silos and hoppers where it is difficult if the Tare status is lost at power off. [235 Filter] – Adaptive filter
Adjust to stabilise the display and filter vibrations. The stronger the filtering, the slower the response.
NO = Disable. Fastest weighing; but the most sensitive to environmental vibrations.
VLOW = Very weak filtering LOW = Weak filter
MEDI = Medium filter
HIGH = Strong filter
VHIG = Very strong filter [236 LANGUAGE] – Language
ENG = English
DEU = Deutsch
FRA = Français
ITA = İtaliano
ESP = Espagnol
TUR = Türkçe
6.3.4 [24_] – Function keys
The Function, ID and Touchless keys available on the PT620 and PT630 indicators can be re-
programmed for alternate functions.
Not present on the PT610. [241 */PCS KEY] – <☼>, <PCS> function
<☼> key on the PT630, <PCS> key on the PT620.
NO = Disable
COUN = Count with N
*ID2 = ID2 key
HIGH = High resolution
SET = Setpoint/ EzAz limit value entry
SMRT = Start / Stop EzAz application
*PT = Preset Tare key
G/N = Temporary Gross display when in Net weight
GTOT = Grand total
RPRN = Reprint
DYNA = Dynamic weighing start
*SCL = Scale change
UNIT = Unit change
Not present in the PT620 options. [242 Δ/APW KEY] – <Δ>, <APW> function
<Δ> key on the PT630, <APW> key on the PT620.
NO = Disable
APW = Count with APW
*ID2 = ID2 key
HIGH = High resolution
*SET = Setpoint/ EzAz limit value entry
SMRT = Start / Stop EzAz application
*PT = Preset Tare key
G/N = Temporary Gross display when in Net weight
GTOT = Grand total
RPRN = Reprint
DYNA = Dynamic weighing start
*SCL = Scale change
UNIT = Unit change
Not present in the PT620 options. [243 ID2/* KEY] – <ID2>, <☼> function
<ID2> key on the PT630, <☼> key on the PT620.
NO = Disable
*COUN = Count with N
ID2 = ID2 key
HIGH = High resolution
*SET = Setpoint/ EzAz limit value entry
SMRT = Start / Stop EzAz application
*PT = Preset Tare key
G/N = Temporary Gross display when in Net weight
GTOT = Grand total
RPRN = Reprint
DYNA = Dynamic weighing start
*SCL = Scale change