PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
Keylock password
This password can be used to lock the keys and to erase the grand total by authorised persons. The
default password is 11. Refer to sub-block
and the parameter
User password
This password is used to setup the interface, usage configuration and application related parameters
for your application. The default password is 1111.
Service password
This password is used to change the instrument parameters and calibration, recommended only by
trained technical persons. The default password is 1111.
5.4.4 Date and Time
Date and time are set as follows.
Date format of the country
1. Enter the parameters and go to parameter
, (
2. Press the
key to select a date format= DMY (DD.MM.YYYY), MDY
(MM.DD.YYYYY) or YMD or (YYYY.MM.DD) and press the
key to confirm.
3. Press the
key until the
[ SAVE = YES ]
prompt is seen.
4. Press the
key to save or press the
key to select “NO” to return to
operation without saving.
Date adjust
1. Enter the programming and go to parameter
, (
2. Use the numerical keypad (PT620, PT620) or
keys (PT610) to
enter the date and press the
key to confirm.
3. Press the
key until the
[ SAVE = YES ]
prompt is seen.
4. Press the
key to save or press the
key to select “NO” to return to
operation without saving.
Time adjust
1. Enter the programming and go to parameter
, (
2. Use the numerical keypad (PT620, PT620) or
keys (PT610) to
enter the date and press the
key to confirm.
3. Press the
key until the
[ SAVE = YES ]
prompt is seen.
4. Press the
key to save or press the
key to select “NO” to return to
operation without saving.
5.4.5 Language
You can set the operating and printout language of the instrument. The available languages are
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Turkish.
Language selection
1. Enter the parameters and go to parameter
, (
2. Press the
key to select language and press the
key to confirm.
3. Press the
key until the
[ SAVE = YES ]
prompt is seen.
4. Press the
key to save or press the
key to select “NO” to return to
operation without saving.
5.4.6 Bar graph
The bar graph on the right of the display rises in relation to the scale load
Gross weight, even if the scale is displaying in Net.
Each segment of the bar represents 5% so the usage of the scale capacity
in percent and the available range are seen on the bar graph. The example
to the right shows that 70% (14 segments) of the capacity is used and 30%
(6 segments) is available.
5.4.7 Alibi memory
You can comply with weight data recording requirements with the alibi memory in certified operation
without having a paper archive. The weight data is saved into the alibi memory after every weighing
operation together with date and time. The alibi record number can also be configured in the print out
data. Refer parameters
(6.7.1) for more information.
After the following actions the weighing data is recorded into the alibi memory:
1. Pressing the
key to print a label,
2. Automatic printing (automatic transmission of print data),