A Security Code is a string of up to 20 alphanumeric characters stored on all
communicating Symphony-HRF and Symphony devices. This string must
match on all Symphony-HRF and Symphony products to achieve communi-
cation. You must use the same Security Code on each device, and the
Security Code is case sensitive.
When configuring the first cordless computer on a network, enter a Security
Code that will be easy for you to remember and click <Next>. The
Symphony-HRF Cordless Gateway will adopt this Security Code. Remember
to use the same Security Code when configuring the other computers on the
cordless network.
Note that there may be a momentary pause before the Composer displays the
next screen.
Step 2: Establish Communication with
the Cordless Gateway
After you have configured the Security Code, the Composer will attempt to
automatically detect the Symphony-HRF Cordless Gateway and test the
cordless link, as shown below.