You can sort the listed units by order of arrival or by node address
of the packets. Additionally, the bottom of the screen shows how
many units responded to this site survey, meaning how many are
within range and on the same Domain and Security ID as the
surveying unit.
You may check the link between this machine and other dis-
played nodes by a click of the mouse on the icon to the left of the
node address. Note that if you decide to check the link with
another unit, it may decrease the performance of that unit for the
duration of the test.
Point to Point Site Survey
An additional feature of the DOS and Windows utilities is the
ability to determine the link quality between two specific ma-
chines. In the Windows utility, click on the icon next to the MAC
address. In the DOS version, click a node address with the mouse
or press the <Spacebar> when the node address is highlighted.