For Windows users, the Node Override parameter is only visible
in the Advanced tab of the RangeLAN2 Card’s properties screen.
PC Card Options
The RangeLAN2 7420 PC Card uses some additional parameters
and terms: Inactivity Timeout and Card and Socket Services.
Inactivity Timeout
default=30 seconds
To conserve battery life, the RangeLAN2 7420 PC Card has an
inactivity doze mode. The doze mode is automatically engaged
after a certain period of time has elapsed since the computer has
sent or received data over the network. Once the card has entered
the doze mode, it can be awakened by a Master unit attempting to
send data to it. A Master unit cannot be configured to doze or
else you would lose all communication on your network. The
time before dozing is calculated by adding the Inactivity Minutes
and Inactivity Seconds parameters and rounding to the nearest 5
second interval.
Card and Socket Services
RangeLAN2 7420 supports computers with either Card & Socket
Services version 2.1 or higher, or an Intel 82365SL or compatible
PCMCIA controller chip. By default, the driver is set to work
with Card & Socket Services. Windows 95, 98, NT, and CE all
include a version of Card & Socket Services that supports the
RangeLAN2 7420 PC Card.
However, if you are using the 7420 PC Card in a computer
running DOS, the driver will first look for compatible Card &
Socket Services software and will then look for an Intel 82365SL
chip if the Initialize_365 parameter is set to “Yes.”