4. Insert the PC Card into one of your laptop or notebook
computer’s PCMCIA slots. If you cannot identify a PCMCIA
slot, refer to the documentation that came with your PC for
more information.
5. Insert the antenna into the mounting clip included in the
product package.
6. Determine the best location for the mounting clip on the
laptop cover. Keep in mind the following considerations:
The distance between the clip and the PCMCIA slot
cannot exceed the length of the antenna cable.
The cable must have enough slack to allow the antenna
to rotate.
During operation, the antenna should be mounted verti-
cally and point towards the ceiling.
For best results, the antenna shaft should clear the top of
the laptop cover. If necessary, mount the antenna so that
it points diagonally off to the side to clear the laptop
After attaching the clip, you should wait at least 24 hours
before attempting to insert, remove, or rotate the antenna.
You should position the clip so that the antenna can
successfully rotate at least 90 degrees from the upright
7. Remove the protective backing from the mounting clip to
expose the adhesive surface. Attach the mounting clip to the
desired location on the laptop cover, as shown in Figures 5
and 6 below.