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In Bridge mode the PLX51-DF1-ENI will redirect a DF1 PCCC message to a Logix controller at a
preconfigured path. Therefore, in this mode, the module will rely on the Logix controller to
map the DF1 request to the preconfigured Logix tag.
The Bridge map configuration is a two-step process. First, the PLX51-DF1-ENI must be
configured to route specific DF1 addresses to a controller path. The second step is to map the
DF1 addresses to Logix tags using RSLogix 5000.
The DF1 message initiator (e.g. DCS gateway) will send a read or write request to a specific
DF1 address on RS232. You must configure the PLX51-DF1-ENI to route the message destined
for a specific DF1 address to a Logix controller. This will allow the correct Logix controller to
map the request to the Logix PLC/SLC mapped tag. For each route map, you must enter two
parameters as described in the table below.
Below are two examples of how DF1 messages are routed to the Logix controller.
Figure 3.25 – Example 1 - Bridge routing map – node 4