To set the page height or width to a custom size type the size in the W: and H: boxes or
toggle the size up or down with the arrows.
4D.2 Import a flat Image (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, GIF)
PTCreate Standard allows you to import flat files for printing only. You can import the following
image formats: JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, GIF.
Important Note:
Primera recommends imported images are at least 300 DPI. The software is
optimized for this size. Larger DPI images can be manually resized. Smaller DPI images will not
utilize the maximum quality of the printer and may appear pixelated. Images downloaded from
websites are typically made to display only onscreen load quickly so they are typically only 72 DPI.
To import an image for printing follow these steps.
Go to the File Menu or shortcut bar, choose Import.