Setup for Fixed IP Addressing
Fixed IP settings include an IP address and address mask, which are always
required; gateway and name server addresses, which are required for access to
other networks and the Internet; and, in some cases, “proxy server” settings, which
are required on some networks for access to the World Wide Web.
1. IP Address
After you highlight
and press
in the screen for specifying the
source of the media adapter’s IP settings, the wizard prompts you to input an
IP address for the media adapter.
(Under some circumstances, an IP address will automatically appear in this
screen. This is normal.)
IP addressing is a complicated topic far beyond the scope of this manual. We
assume here that if you want to give the media adapter a fixed IP address, you
have a good reason for doing so, and you already have a basic understanding
of IP addressing.
As you type the address, the characters you type will appear in the large
horizontal rectangle in the middle of the screen; we call this the
input area
The small vertical rectangle inside it is the
, which shows where the next
character you type will appear.
Below the input area are two indicators:
shows that the remote control’s number buttons are in “IP mode.”
shows that no characters have been typed, and the most you can type is 15.