The information displayed in the Server Status panel is primarily of use to technical
personnel in diagnosing problems and improving the capabilities of the system. Each
column of the display is explained briefly below.
IP Address:
The IP address of the media adapter.
This is not a physical port but a number from 1 to 65,535 that can be
thought of as designating a communication channel. Many ports are reserved
for particular services: HTTP servers, for example, "listen on" port 80 for
requests for Web pages. One or two port numbers can appear under
depending on the action being taken.
File Position:
The full path and name of the file the server is sending or
preparing to send.
Start DateTime:
The date, hour, minute, and second at which the
communication or transmission began.
Length (Bytes):
The size of the file, or the number of bytes to be transmitted,
depending on the action. The full file size can appear briefly during setup, but
the number of bytes sent for actual playback is often slightly smaller.
Complete (Bytes):
The number of bytes sent so far.
Percent (%):
The percentage of data sent so far.
Elapsed (Sec):
The number of seconds, or minutes and seconds (in min:sec
format), since the start of transmission.
Left (Sec):
The number of seconds, or minutes and seconds (in min:sec
format) remaining in the transmission.
Speed (Bytes/Sec):
The number of bytes per second at which data are being
Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the panel to view all the colums of status
information. You can also drag the vertical lines between column headings to make
most or all of the information visible at one time.
The “About” Command
The bottom icon in the group at the Configuration window's left edge is the last stop
on our tour. A picture of a cozy-looking cottage, it seems like a fitting place to end the
tour and take a rest.
Clicking this icon displays a message box giving version and copyright information
about the media server software. You can display this message box when in any of
the server’s three panels. Click
to return to the panel you were in.
This tour has turned out longer than we expected. We hope it wasn’t too long for you.
We’ve spent most of the tour looking at the media server’s Configuration window. If
you’ve followed closely, you now know the media server quite well, because the
Configuration window is the only window it has!