Language Selection
The wizard’s first screen prompts you to select a language. The languages you can
select are listed under the prompt. The first setting in the list is
— that is,
marked with an arrowhead and a distinctive color. Instructions on how to use the
remote control’s buttons appear below the list of options.
To mark a different option as your choice
, press the remote control’s up or
down arrow button to highlight the option you want. [graphic: up and down
To confirm your choice
, press the remote control’s
button. [graphic:
Select button]
The next screen in the sequence will appear. The contents of that screen will
be in the language you selected.
This is the basic model for using the remote control: you use the arrow buttons to
highlight an item, and then you use the
button to say, “This is what I want” —
and the media adapter does whatever your choice signifies.
In almost all cases, you can, instead, press the
button to go back to the
previous list of choices. We strongly recommend trying this and re-selecting your
preferred language (or selecting another, and then going back and selecting your
preference). The
button can be
useful. [graphic: Return button]
Wireless: Disable or Enable?
After you select a language, the wizard asks if the media adapter’s wireless
networking capability should be disabled or enabled.