3 Capture
The Session Page
StudioLive™ AR-Series Software
Library Reference Manual
The Session Page
Capture 2 features a single-window user interface so you don’t need to
manage multiple windows and views. When a new Session is created, or an
existing Session is opened, you will be taken to the Session page. This page
contains all of the necessary tools to record and edit multitrack audio.
When you launch Capture 2, a recording track is created for each input
channel on your StudioLive AR mixer, including the Main bus. The Main
bus track, in turn, is automatically patched to the first two digital returns
located on the Super Channel on your StudioLive AR mixer for playback.
Channels 1 and 2 are routed to the Digital Returns 3/4 on the last stereo
channel. The following diagrams show these configurations.
Capture 2 Recording Routing
Capture 2 Playback Routing
There is no need to set up audio inputs and outputs in Capture 2, as the
software automatically detects which StudioLive model is connected
and auto-configures for it. Each channel from the StudioLive AR mixer
is represented with a mono input track in the Track column of the
Session and has a corresponding level meter in the meter bridge.
An additional stereo track will also be added to the
Session for recording the main mix.