Safety Guidelines
2.2 Safety Guidelines
Also refer to the safety guidelines in the “Introduction” chapter, please.
The multimeter may only be operated if it is in perfect and safe condition. Accident
prevention and environmental protection rules must also be followed.
All power-up and power-down procedures described next must be followed. Prob-
lems, such as loose connections, damaged or scorched cables, oxidized contacts, and
damaged fuses must be immediately removed by a professional.
A safe and ecologically sound disposal of operating and support materials, as well as
replacement parts, must be arranged. Only genuine replacement parts shall be used.
Otherwise, the manufacturer’s warranty and the multimeter’s conformity will be
Any changes to the multimeter, which cause any functional changes, may only be car-
ried out by the manufacturer, or after discussion with and permission by the manu-
Switching operation to the rear panel connectors (or to the scanner) may
only be carried out by a professional (see “Connection of Measurement
The multimeter may only be utilized for the measurement functions that are described
in the Technical Specifications. It is especially important to adhere to the load limits
of the input connectors. PREMA accepts no responsibility for any damage arising
from improper operation.