Via CHRocodile CLS DLL:
DLL may be used to interface the sensor with a general-purpose user program. The CHRocodile CLS
DLL is intended for .NET compatible language. A new DLL intended for C++ compatible language is
now available and allows to use most of CLS functionalities. Refer to C++ DLL documentation.
A CD containing the DLLs, some code examples and the operating Manual is delivered with the
CHRocodile CLS. Sensor configuration, processing and data transmission can be performed through
CHRocodile CLS DLL.
The CHRocodile CLS .NET DLL functions are described in section 5.4. Also refer to
CLS_SDK_Manual to obtain detailed information. CLS .NET DLL functions have the same properties
as the ASCII Commands. Consequently, what can be done using ASCII commands can be done using
the CHRocodile CLS .NET DLL.
ASCII command communication
The ASCII commands can be sent to the controller via the RS232 or RS422 interface using a specific
command structure described on section 5.2.
Serial interface communication can be used to configure the sensor, but cannot be used to receive
measurement data, due to the high amount of data simultaneously transmitted by CHRocodile CLS.
Only Ethernet allows unlimited data transmission at measuring rate up to 2KHz (or 6KHz in high
frequency mode).
As an example, the Windows™ « Hyper Terminal »™ utility can be used to send the commands and
configure the sensor via the RS232 or RS422 communication port.
CLS Explorer Library
The ClsExplorerLibrary DLL is a library of tools to ease the development of applications based on CLS
sensors. ClsExplorerLibrary is compatible with any version subsequent to Visual studio 2010.
This Development Kit is a very quick and easy way to evaluate and use CHRocodile CLS Sensor. In
just a few minutes you can start testing, configuring, integrating your new devices, and developing
your customized applications.
The Development Kit is composed of some source code examples and a lot of useful tools. It also
includes a license USB key.
ClsExplorerLibrary DLL has two available license levels: a free
license, and non-free
license which have been designed to save you both time and money by speeding up the integration of