Optical Heads are interchangeable: the same CHRocodile CLS unit can store up to 5 different
calibration tables corresponding to different Optical Heads. The Optical Head is totally passive,
only the CHRocodile CLS unit has an internal Light Source and Electronic board which can be
considered as heat and electrical sources. However the Optical Head is highly isolated from these
heat and electrical sources in order to avoid any thermal expansion which could affect the
accuracy of the sensor measuring process. Considering this opto-mechanical architecture the
CHRocodile CLS unit has no visible optical cable and the user don’t need to take care with this
particularly sensitive component.
Optical Head Specifications definitions
W.D : Working Distance
M.R : Measuring Range
L: Line length
P: Pitch between measuring spot
S.D: Spot Diameter (Size)
M.S: Max Object Slope (specified for specular
object. On diffuse object, it is possible to
measure on slope up to 85°)
Fig 2-10: Optical Head Specification definition
Acceptance Angle:
related to M.S