Mode 2
Chromatic Thickness Measurement
Thickness measurements are performed in Mode 2 (confocal thickness
measurement). If a transparent material is within the measurement
volume of the Chromatic Optical Head, 192 points along a white light line
are focused on both the two surfaces of the measured object. The
reflected light is more intense for the two wavelengths in focus on the two
surfaces. For each of the 192 channels, reflected light is spectrally
analyzed and the spectral response is constituted of two peaks centered
on focused wavelengths. Considering the refractive index of the object,
one can determine the thickness of the object for the 192 points along the
line. The 192 thicknesses are simultaneously calculated and transmitted
to host computer at up to 2KHz frequency. See
Fig. 2-4
. A high frequency
mode is now available to measure up to 6KHz. See Section
Fig. 2-4: Chromatic measurement principle, thickness measurement
Chromatic Optical Head