The “PASS” or “FAIL” message is generated using the CT accuracy class (see
Section 13.9.1
and the selected error limit from the User Preferences menu. If no CT nameplates are selected in
the Site Editor, the PowerMaster
estimates a nameplate according to the readings and a default
accuracy class of 0.3. Once the measured ratio is displayed, the PowerMaster
calculates the
error to see if it is within limits. For example, if the measured ratio is 201.86:5, the nameplate is
200:5, the accuracy class is 0.1, and the error limit is set to “2.0x Specification Accuracy,” then
the PowerMaster
will display a “FAIL” message. Here is how it is calculated:
[(201.86-200) / 200]*100 = 0.93% error
(Accuracy class = 0.1) * (Error limit = 2) = ±0.2%
0.93% > 0.2% = FAIL
Errors that could cause a CT to fail could be improper labeling of the CT, overburdened, loose
wires, or a damaged CT. In addition to physical problems such as those listed above, there are
other reasons a CT could fail a test. A CT”s accuracy class is only valid if the CT is operating
within its temperature, rating factor, burden, and current limits.
If a CT is overburdened, it can cause the secondary current to drop, and reduce the accuracy of
the CT in the test results. For the above listed transformer, the 0.1% accuracy is only valid if the
CT is fully loaded on the primary. The CT would then also only be 0.2% accurate from 10% of its
rated load, to maximum load. Below 10% of the rated load, there is no guarantee of accuracy.
Because of these problems, using a CT with a higher rating factor will help with increased
accuracy. The rating factor on a CT is a multiplier of the ratio which allows more operating range
at its rated accuracy. If a CT has a rating factor of 2, a ratio of 20:5 and is rated at 0.3%
accuracy, it will maintain that 0.3% accuracy from 20A to 40A, or Primary rated maximum current
* rating factor.
Rev 1.5