Customer Load
“Customer Load” is a meter test that is performed using the customer’s active (W-hr), reactive
(Var-hr), or apparent energy (VA-hr). This test is considered to be “passive” since the
only measures what the meter is registering. So, for instance, if the load changes
during the meter test, the PowerMaster
will accurately measure the change and reflect it in the
completed registration test. What makes this test so valuable is the fact that the PowerMaster
measures the meter under conditions the customer is actually being billed. A site is required to
be entered, and selected to perform this test.
Register Test
Register testing is a new test available with the 3 Series. This test requires the register value on
the meter to be entered into the 3 series. Once the test ends, the ending value of the register is
entered in, and the difference is calculated. Testing in this manner checks the validity of the
meter’s ability to accurately display register results. A site is required to be entered, and selected
to perform this test.
Rev 1.5