CT Ratio Testing Results
Moves cursor up and down for selecting a CT to retest
Performs a retest on a highlighted CT
Retests all CT’s
Views the graphical test data for all CT’s
Views the numerical test data for all CT’s
Completes CT test and saves data
This screen displays the results of the CT test for each phase. A phase is always located at the
top graph, then the other two graphs correspond to B phase and C phase respectively. If the
user is testing a service type with only 1 or 2 CT’s present, the PowerMaster
will only test the
CT’s that are active for the particular service type.
The measured CT ratio value is displayed as “Measured Ratio.” This value is calculated from the
current readings from the secondary probe(s) and primary probe(s). Phase angle information is
also displayed as an angle or in minutes. Generally, the user desires the measured CT ratio
value to be as close as possible to the CT nameplate value. Once this is determined, the user
can specify the test to “pass” or “fail” according to their utility’s standard procedures.
Rev 1.5