200A Multi-Process Welder with LCD Display
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Possible Cause(s)
Suggested Solution(s)
Lack of Fusion −
failure of weld metal
to fuse completely
with base metal or a
proceeding weld
1. Contaminated
base metal.
2. Not enough
heat input.
3. Improper
1. Remove materials like paint, grease,
oil and dirt, including mill scale from
base metal.
2. Select a higher voltage range and /or
adjust the wire speed to suit.
3. Keep the arc at the leading edge of the
weld pool. Torch angle to work should
be between 5 and 15°. Direct the arc at
the weld joint Adjust work angle or
widen groove to access bottom during
welding. Momentarily hold arc on side
walls if using weaving technique.
Penetration − weld
metal melting
through base metal
Too much heat. Select a lower voltage range and/or adjust
the wire speed to suit increase travel
Lack of Penetration −
shallow fusion
between weld metal
and base metal
1. Poor in
incorrect joint
2. Not enough
heat input.
3. Contaminated
base metal.
1. Material too thick. Joint preparation
and design needs to allow access to
bottom of groove while maintaining
proper welding wire extension and arc
Keep the arc at the leading edge of the
weld pool and maintain the torch angle
at 5 and 15°.
2. Select a higher voltage range and /or
adjust the wire speed to suit Reduce
travel speed.
3. Remove materials like paint, grease,
oil and dirt, including mill scale from
base metal.