DHW interm circ pump Q33: Charging pump for DHW cylinder with
external heat exchanger.
Heat request K27: as soon as a heat demand exists in the system, the
output K27 will be activated.
Heat circuit pump HC1 Q2/Heat circuit pump HC2 Q6: The relay is used
for actuating the heating circuit pump Q2/Q6.
DHW ctrl elem Q3: depending on the hydraulics a connected DHW
charging pump or diverting valve.
Status output K35: The status output is operated when a command
exists from the controller to the burner control. If there is a disturbance,
which prevents the burner control from operating, the status output is
switched off.
Status information K36: The output is set when the burner is in
Fan shutdown K38: This output serves to switch the fan off. The output
is activated when the fan is needed; otherwise it is not activated. The
fan should be switched off as often as possible in order to minimise the
total energy consumption of the system.
Sensor input BX21 module 1 (7307), Sensor input BX22
module 1 (7308), Sensor input BX21 module 2 (7382), Sensor
input BX22 module 2 (7383), Sensor input BX21 module 3 (7457)
and Sensor input BX22 module 3 (7458)
Functions in addition to the basic functions are made possible by
configuring the sensor inputs.
None: Sensor inputs deactivated.
DHW sensor B31: Lower domestic water sensor, which is used for full
charging of the Legionella function.
Collector sensor B6: First solar collector sensor in a collector field.
DHW circulation sensor B39: Sensor for DHW circulation return.
Buffer sensor B4: Upper buffer storage tank sensor.
Buffer sensor B41: Lower buffer storage tank sensor.
Common flow sensor B10: Shared flow sensor for boiler cascades or
low-loss header sensors.
Solid fuel boiler sensor B22: Sensor for the acquisition of the
temperature of a solid fuel boiler.
DHW charging sensor B36: DHW sensor for DHW charging systems.
Buffer sensor B42: Centre buffer storage tank sensor.
Common return sensor B73: Return sensor for the return diversion
Cascade return sensor B70: Common return sensor for boiler cascades.
Swimming pool sensor B13: Sensor for measurement of swimming pool
Solar flow sensor B63: This sensor is required for the solar yield
Solar return sensor B64: This sensor is required for the solar yield
Function input H2/H21 module 1 (7321) , Function input
H2/H21 module 2 (7396) and Function input H2/H21 module 3
None: no function.
Optg mode change HCs+DHW: Changeover of the operating modes of
the heating circuits to reduced or protection operation (prog.nos. 900,
1200, 1500) and locking of domestic hot water charging in case of
closed contact at H2/H21.
Optg mode changeover DHW: Locking of the domestic hot water
charging in case of closed contact at H2/H21.
Optg mode changeover HCs: Operating mode changeover for heating
circuits to protection or reduced operation.
Locking of domestic hot water charging is only possible under the
setting Optg mode change HCs+DHW.
9 Settings
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