However, if there is a room unit (e.g. RGP) is connected and the
setting "room influence" is set between 1 and 99%, the deviation
of the room temperature compared to the set point is recorded
and taken into consideration in the temperature control. In this
way any external heat can be taken into account enabling a
constant room temperature to be achieved. The influence of the
deviation can be set in percentage. The more representative the
lead room is (correct room temperature, correct installation
location etc.), the higher the value can be set, giving the room
temperature even greater relevance.
Should there be radiator valves in the lead room (where the room
sensor is installed), they must be opened fully.
Setting for weather compensation with room influence: 1% - 99%
Setting for pure weather compensation: ---%
Setting for pure room compensation: 100%
Room temp limitation (760, 1060, 1360)
TRx Room temperature actual value
TRw Room temperature setpoint
SDR Room switching difference
P Pump
t Time
1 On
0 Off
The heating circuit pump is switched on or off subject to room temperature
in line with the switching differential set here. The switch-off point of the
pump is set as the difference to the set room setpoint. The pump switch-
on point is 0.25 °C below the room setpoint. This function is only possible
with a room device (e.g. RGP) and active room influence.
A room sensor must be connected. This function only applies to
pumped heating circuits.
Boost heating (770, 1070, 1370)
TRw Room temperature setpoint
TRx Room temperature actual value
TRSA Room temperature setpoint-raised
The boost heating becomes active when the room temperature setpoint is
switched over from protection or reduced mode to comfort mode. During
the boost heating, the room temperature setpoint is increased by the value
set here. This causes the actual room temperature to rise to the new
temperature setpoint quickly.
Without room sensor or without room influence, boost heating is
implemented in accordance with an internal calculation. Due to the room
setpoint acting as a basis, the effect of the duration of the boost heating
and that of the flow temperature works differently for each outside
Quick setback (780, 1080, 1380)
Quick reduction becomes active if the room temperature setpoint is
switched from comfort level to another operating level (reduced mode or
protection mode). During quick reduction the heating circuit pump is
switched off and the mixing valve is also closed in the case of mixed
circuits. During quick reduction no heat requirement is sent to the heat
Quick reduction is possible with or without room sensor: with room sensor
the heating circle function is switched off until the room temperature has
dropped to the reduced setpoint or frost protection setpoint. When the
room temperature has dropped to the reduced setpoint or the frost
Room temp limitation
Boost heating
9 Settings
7703301 - 01 - 16072018