PFC 2000RC • 5403521-REV N• 3/03
viewed at eye level. The viewing angle can be adjusted slightly by the adjustment located just below the display.
1) This unit may be surface mounted or semi-flush mounted by using the optional trim bezel. For semi-flush installations mount
the housing so that the front edge protrudes 1" from the finished wall surface.
2) The main panel should be removed before attempting to mount the cabinet. For instructions on removal of the Main Board
Module, refer to “Procedure for the Removal of the Main Board Module”.
3) Install all required conduits, external wiring and devices making all connections that are external to the panel.
4) If this is a semi-flush mount installation, after the wall surface is finished, slide the trim bezel in place and fasten with four
#6-32 screws as shown below.
1) With the AC power turned off at the circuit breaker panel, connect the 120VAC HOT, NEUTRAL and GROUND wire to the
terminal block as shown on the power supply connection drawing. Verify that the transformer cable is securely connected.
2) Connect all the other wiring to the terminals as shown in the main board connection drawings. Plug the main board into the
card edge connection portion of the terminal strip. Plug the power cable into the main board. Turn the AC power on.
Observing proper polarity, connect the standby batteries with the cable provided.
3) The operation of the complete system should be verified as outlined in the test procedure section.
The system should be inspected and tested in compliance with NFPA-72 National Fire Alarm Code or the authority
having jurisdiction.
1) Notify the fire department or other receiving station of alarm, supervisory, and/or trouble signals that will be transmitted.
2) Notify the proper building personnel so that audible and/or visual, signals can be disregarded during testing.
3) Remove the two wires from the releasing circuit, reverse and reconnect them. The panel should go to a trouble condition
and remain there (if the panel restores to a normal condition when the leads are reversed it indicates that the diode in the
end of the line assembly is open and the solenoid valve can not operate until the entire EOL assembly, part #3005012, is
replaced). Disconnect and restore the leads to their correct position. The panel should restore to a normal condition.
4) Operate the Releasing Circuit Switch to the disable position. This will cause a trouble condition.
5) Momentarily operate the Test/Reset switch to the Test position. This will cause all audible and visual indicators to activate.
Releasing the Test switch will restore the panel to the condition it was in prior to operation of this switch.
6) Operate each zone switch to the disable position. This should result in a trouble condition and operate all indicators as
described in the sections on “Trouble Conditions” and “Initiating Device Circuits Response”. Restoring the switch to the
enable position should restore all indicators to normal.
7) Momentarily open each of the following circuits:
A) Each initiating device zone. There is a brief delay when these circuits are in the Style D (Class A) mode.
B) Supervisory circuit.